The weekend is coming to an end. I still have a lot I would like to complete. Yesterday was pretty good. The Salsbury steack turned out ok and I made two extra meals of it. One for us sometime next week and one for in-laws. Joshua went to the Sadie Hawkins dance with a girl…LOL!! WOw. Actually that is the dance where the girl has to ask you out. Josh is pretty shy so I didn’t think he would ever ask a girl out. ON Friday night the Amanda and Josh went with Amanda’s Dad to buy matching shirts for the dance. Amanda’s dad picked them up on Saturday night and brought them home. Josh had alot of fun it seems. I took there picture before they left so I will share that later. DOn’t tell Josh but I thought they looked cute together. It was weird to see though. My baby is growing up. He was a gentleman as always and paid for both of threir shirts and part of the professional pictures.

Tommy again had a BM after going to bed and I have to wake him up and change him. ARGH….then he is all freaked out. I need to get that changed. He ended up in bed with again in the middle of the night, so I didn’t sleep very well.

But most of us did manage to get up and get to church minus Josh. He said he was going to the later services, but when I called him he was still in bed. I wasn’t too happy about that.

I just woke up from a nap and need to get a few things done. Later!


MidwestBlahs – Hello – Actually I recently joined the Hearts Home group. My real name is Janeen so that is the name I use on there. My family and friends have called me Jen or Jenny all my life though. So the Janeen on there ….is me – I am enjoying the groups so far.

Jills_Cookbook – I usually find most things cheaper at Sam’s unless there is a sale at the regular grocery store. I mostly buy staples, paper products, computer ink and stuff there. I buy the Sam’s Club brand of diapers, which are the cheapest we have found. They are called Smiles. I often cook in bulk so it is easier to buy the stuff at Sam’s.

0 thoughts on “

  1. It must be a geographic difference or something.  I guess I never noticed the sams club brand of diapers…all I see are a wall of Huggies and those definitely aren’t cheaper.  I hate Huggies anyways.  But yea, even paper towels and things I can generally find cheaper at our local store.  Granted I’m not buying as many at a time, but when I break things down to a unit cost I have a hard time finding deals at Sams.  If I cooked in bulk it would be a different story though…

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