Hello..YEAH..it is Saturday. We are back from our morning errands. We went to the bank, library and grocery store. ALl three boys went with me, Josh needed to work on driving of course. Then it was home for a quick lunch. Now Tommy is down for a nap, (though not sleeping yet), Erik is playing at a friends, Josh is having a friend over and they are gonna figure out something to do. Me…..I am going to spend a few quiet moments reading my book and hopefully getting a little nap. YEAH!!

I have to reorganize mine and hubby’s clothes when I get up. I need to get rid of stuff we don’t wear and send to good will. Tonight for supper….we are having Salsbury Steak for the new OAMC site I found. I am making a quadruple recipe. SOme to freeze and some to take over to my in-laws.

Ok…off to read/nap. Later!~

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