AAAAh…..break time. I got my list all done, it did take me a bit more than an hour, but I scrubbed the kitchen floor on my hands and knees to get it really clean. I try to do that once every few months. Now I am having a 20 minute break while I have a glass of water and a banana. I have my shower curtain and rugs in the washer now, next goes in my comforter and mattress pad for my bed. I even flipped my mattress by myself, that got me sweating. WHEW…usually hubby helps with that.

They called about my van. The repairs aren’t as bad as I thought they would be, but unexpected all the same. The rough idle was due to a bad plug wire, it had came loose and melted on the manafold. The rattling window was due to a broken weld, that I have to get fixed or the window will fly out. The left blinker not cancelling is due to a broken spring. I am second guessing myself about gettting that fixed, but with a student driver I suppose it makes sense to have it repaired. All done and fixed it should be just under 500.00. Well that is what savings is for right, emergencies……….

I had my eyes on new lamps for my bedroom, I guess that is out for a while. Oh well……..time to go vehicle shopping here after Christmas.

About 13 minutes left of my break, I suppose I should figure out what my mext to do list consists of.

Sort through toys and Take some downstairs
Sweep under furniture
Vacuum couches (cat Hair)
De-Clutter the shelves

An hour in the living room will get me right up to lunch……..AAAAH…then on to another room!

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