I did get a few things done by not going to craft night last night. I took Joshua shopping and bought him a new outfit for confirmation. I hung out iwth Tommy. I got things ready to be mailed, invites for confirmation and Tommy’s brithday party. I packaged up my sisters b-day gift too. That will get mailed today!
This morning we are going to go to the library and Tommy is getting a haircut at 11:30 at Kids’ Hair. A salon for little kids, the only place I get his hair cut.
I plan in deep cleaning my bedroom this weekend. Wash the curtains and comforter, etc. I bought a new hanging lamp to replace the 70″s wicker one. It brightens the room up much more! I want to get matching bedside lamps, but have to have hubby look at those as they are a bit expensive.
Tonight I need to get groceries, so I need to get my menu done for the week and for the confirmation party! For comfirmation I plan on making sandwiches, actually I am going to buy crossiants from Sam’s Club and make chicken salad and have sliced ham for them. I going to make Greek Pasta Salad and buy potato salad from Sam’s Club. I have about 30 people coming between confirmation and Tom’s birthday. It will be a FULL house!
I better hit the shower and get moving as we need to go to the library before Tom’s haircut and I am still in my PJS!
This is the THIRD time I’m trying to leave a comment…..I hit SUBMIT and nothing comes up! Your menu sounds PERFECT!!!!! I need to start making menus for the week instead of scrambling around every day at the last minute trying to pull something together for dinner! Have a great weekend!