AAAAH….Sunday….I had to go to church alone this morning with Tommy as my hubby got called into work. Josh’s dad didn’t bring him to church this morning for some reason. Erik was there, his mom brought him, he has used an ink stamp and covered his face and arms. Don’t ask me what he could have been thinking. Tommy had fun in Sunday school, he did a little worksheet where they put a sticker on it of a baby. All he could talk about was the baby. LOL!!!

After Church I returned both movies we had rented, Daddy Daycare and The Core. And believe it or not we actually watched them both. Hubby was home from work when we returned. YEAH!!! I left Tommy with him and ran to Target to buy some Dreft. Tommy is still having trouble with eczema so I think I will try washing his clothes separate for a bit and see if it improves. He has such sensitive skin.

Tommy is now down for a nap and I will be joining him in a few. Once he wakes up we will be going to the apple orchard. They have free pony rides from 2:30 to 5:00 and it is a beautiful warm fall day today! My hubby is going too, even though the Vikings and the Twins are playing today! He is the best. His priority is always his family.

Now time for my nap. Talk to you later!!! I have to get a lot done around the house tonight once Tommy heads to bed! Monday is school of course, so I will go into work late.

One thought on “

  1. My son had eczema and I used Dreft for his clothes when he was little and it helped LOTS. In fact, I still use Tide FREE for all our clothes now because he will still break out occasionally.

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