I am just woking up and I am still tired! The teens all went home around 1:00am. That is the time I ended the bonfire and had them come in the house. Josh had one friend stay overnight. He had his face painted orange and black for homecoming. I told them to clean up good before going to sleep. I sure hope I don’t have orange and black pillows and things. I have a feeling I will though.
Josh’s dad is coming to get him. He won tickets to the Twins game today. That is really cool since they are in the playoffs. Josh will be gone for the weekend.
I hope to get a lot done around the house while hubby is at work. Once he gets home we are going shopping as he needs some sweatshirts and things for work. Not much else going one, just a ton of laundry to do.
They will be delivering my new dryer on Wednesday. A neighbor is taking our old dryer as theirs isn’t working very well. I have to get our winter clothes all out and organized for sure too!! Tommy has so much clothes it is crazy. I have three bins of size 2t to go through. I think I will just pick out what i like the best and donate the rest.
Well I best get busy Tommy is awake in there and goofing around. I should get him up and feed him breakfast. Have a great SaturdaY!