AAAAH….I am tired!! I came home from work early today for two reasons. One I had a headache and two, I needed to get some things done around the house. I did accomplish quite a bit!

Sheets changed – mine and Toms
Vacuum and dust
Sweep and mop: bathroom, kitchen and entry
Dishes done
Supper ready for tomorrow
Made Thanksgiving in a Pan for Supper tonight., YUMMY, Thanks MIDWESTBLAHS!
2 loads of Laundry Done
Began Weight Training ( has a great program to set up weight training exercises for you)
Made Hubbies lunch
Diaper bag Ready
Clothes Layed out
De-Cluttered the bathroom cabinet while Tommy took a bath.

Tomorrow I am at a training all day from 8-4:30, it is a training on working with Hmong families. Should be interesting, I hope. Exciting News today!! ANother SW and I share a case as she works with the mom in the house and I the kids. We looked into getting a Habitate for Humanity House for them. We will be waiting for the finally approval, but look forward to getting this set up and having a home for this very vulnerable family. I look forward to working on the house. My oldest Josh will be helping too. Many of my co-workers have already volunteered there time as well. It will be very exciting!

Tomorrow night is Families First. Time for me to head to bed……..later!

0 thoughts on “

  1. That’s a good recipe, huh? 🙂 I like it!!

    You should try the BBQ pork recipe on my WW page and also the Busy Day Crockpot Chicken and Rice on the WW page. They are REALLY good!

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