The week is flying by, gotta love that! Monday I didn’t get home from work until late so then went right to bed after getting Tommy to bed. Tommy’s school went fine, I am not sure I love his teacher or now. We will see. It is a long class.

Tuesday …work, work. work…then open house at the high school. Josh watched Tommy while we went. Learned a few new things, but I think Josh is doing fine. He seems to be keeping up with everything ok. We will see when mid terms come out. Argh..I forgot to ask him about the Spanish grade I was suppose to sign.

Wednesday. Court….I had to sit around there all morning. Argh..I was not happy about that! My parents didn’t even show up for court, so we proceeded without them. Quick and easy. The judge reviewed my placement and approved it for another year. Hubby didn’t want to go to Families First last night. I went with Tommy and it was fun. Russ returned which was nice and a new guy shawn came too.

THURSDAY….yeah…closer and closer to the weekend! YEAH!! Today i have to do paperwork all day at work. ARGH. BTW I got the work pants I ordered from Land’s End and I love them! They are great! I plan to wearing them to work today. Tonight I have New Mom’s Committee at church. But it should go quickly. Well I best hit the showere and get ready for work. I was waking up so slowly this morning. Tommy had gotten up in the middle of the night and I can’t sleep with him in bed with us. He of course is still sleeping. I will be waking him soon so we can leave.

Have a great day!!!!!!!!!Tomorrow is FRIDAY!! YEAH!!

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