YEAH…THURSDAY. Last night Families First wasn’t too bad, but there are very few returning members and no new members. After class it was Tommy’s bath and getting him ready for bed. We didn’t get home until 8:00 which is his bedtime. Josh taught confirmation last night for the frist night.

I was able to do a load of laundry last night and hubby did the dishes for me. I can’t wait until someday way in the future we can remodel our kitchen and have a dish washer. That sure would be nice. I should have enough money saved up by the end of next month to buy a new dryer. I look forward to that. I should be able to do it if nothing breaks with the van or car, etc. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Tonight hubby has a meeting at church so he will be gone. I guess I will be home with Tommy and Josh. I best go figure out what meat to thaw for supper. Have a great day!

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