Today was a long day. Work was fine, but was out all day making homevisits. A couple of school IEP meetings…so just out and about. I got home a bit early so I could make supper and we could go to meet the teacher.

We met Tommy’s teacher. He starts ECFE on Monday. It works out great again this year as both my hubby and I can go to school with him. It really is a nice thing to be able to do together. My hubby missed out so much on Erik’s life that he makes up for it with Tommy. He never missed a single prenatal appointment or a Dr appointment since. What a great Dad! Tommy is one lucky little boy!

I am really tired tonight so I am not going to do much of anything and I am heading to bed to read a page or two before I fall asleep. NIGHT ALL!!!

Only one more day to the weekend!! YEAH!! This week sure has flown.

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