
The van is back home again. The service light was a valve that was getting stuck. It was most likely getting stuck due to carbon build up and a chunk of carbon was on the pin. Anyways I had them add some cleaner to the gas and hopefully that will clear up the problem. Carbon build up in common in vehicles with as many miles as mine, 130,000. I guess time will tell. It sure would be nice if we could get away with driving our current vehicles for another year at least.

I have a number of things to do today, so I best get busy. Talk to you later!

Sweep & Mop
Clean Mirrors & Doors

Sweep Entrance
Sweep Porch
Dining Room – Clean off table

Menu for Next Week

0 thoughts on “

  1. As usual, your to-do list would take me a week or more to accomplish and it makes me exhausted reading it! But I’m doing a bit better now that I get up at 6am with Brian. However, I’m not sleeping well and am so tired by noon! Have a great week!

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