I ended up working a bit late tonight. Hubby met me at service station to get hte van looked at again. The service engine light came on again on the way home from work. Alas, we need a new vehicle but that isn’t going to happen anytime soon with others always wanting more and more from us. Oh well….

I made a good veggie side dish tonight from Taste of Home. I will have to share. I have so many recipes to get updated on my site.

Tomorrow I am working from home so I will take my lunch hour and get the remainder of my Tuesday list done!

Josh has to go to confirmation tomorrow night as he is teaching and needs to meet his students and help with orientation, etc.

I am off to bed, I stayed up way too late last night. Later!

0 thoughts on “

  1. I love Taste of Home recipes….I have 2 of their cookbooks and usually “doctor” up their recipes to make them my own or because I don’t have the exact ingredients. Enjoy your day at home!

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