Saturday morning….AAAH…I slept in as late as I culd until a little voice woke me sing “La La LA…ELmo’s World..” over and over again. Yes, Tommy was waking up and went right to singing. I am happy about that, at least he doesn’t wake up crying. I can leave him sing and play in his crib for a bit with no problems, which I did. I had a hard time waking up.

We finally were ready to leave the house around 11:00 and went to the library as we do every Saturday morning. We ran into my SIL there so the kids played for a bit together, until Tommy decided he didn’t want his cousin playing with anything. Everything was his and he screamed! We left the library and Tommy fell alseep on the short ride home. He is now asleep in his crib so I have 15 minutes to be on the computer, than I will take an hour and straighten up the house, then the rest of nap time is mine to read!!! I checked out the book The Devil Wear Prada at the library and am excited to start it. I have to read it in the next two weeks as I will have to read my book for book group next month too.

I love quiet Saturdays! Hubby is at work for a while yet, baby is sleeping…..aaaahhh so perfect!

I think Tommy is telling his first joke. I ask him what his name is….he says “Cow…Moo” and then he says “no…..Tommy”. LOL!!! It is really funny. He is a goofy boy. I wanted to teach him his name as the only way he knew it was if you pointed at him and said “who’s that”! I didn’t figure a policeman would do that..LOL!! I figured the policeman would say what is your name…so that is what we have been working on…but he has been consistently answering Cow…Moo and laughing!

Time to run and have some lunch and straighten the house a bit. LateR!

0 thoughts on “

  1. Tommy sounds like a real cutie!!! I love days to myself too. That’s the only reason I am looking forward to school starting again. I have heard the title “The Devil Wears Prada” and know it’s on the Best Seller list, but know nothing about it. Please post what it’s about and how you like it.

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