FRIDAY!!!  YEAH!!!  I am so glad for the weekend to be here.   The older boys will be gone for visitation so it will jsut be Tommy, Daddy and I.  I am planning on a nice quiet relaxing weekend.  We might go check out Battle Creek Water Works park on Sunday with Tommy for a bit after nap time.  We will see how it goes.   Otherwise I have no plans for the weekend. 

Things have been about the same around the house.  Erik snuck off yesterday morning and really made his Dad mad.  So he has yet to make it pass day one to earn another sleepover/movie rental.   He did finish his reading for the summer and will get his 20.00.   I think Josh has read more than me over the summer and will get his 20.00.   So they will both have plenty of money for the weekend away.  

My back is finally starting to feel a bit better so I hope to be able to get some things done around the house this weekend.   Laundry and stuff.   Work is unreal, one social worker left on leave so we all had to take on her cases.  ARGH!!!!   It is a hard hiring freeze here with governmental cutbacks so she won’t be replaced.  ARGH….my caseload just increased to well over 50 kids.   I have a ton of work to do. 

Monday we close on our refinancing of the house.   I combined my second and main mortgage at a lower interest rate.  Hopefully we will finally be able to catch up a bit or at least maintain.   It took a toll on us not having my hubby work for three years.   I hope to hit the credit card debt hard and get rid of it all.   I think I will take advantage of some balance transfer offers and lower my interest rates to pay these off easier.  

Just called oldest son to have him take some meat out for supper.  He sure has been a life saver this summer.  He mows the lawn without being asked.  If I leave him a note to do a load of laundry or dishes he will do them for me.   I am so appreciative of all his help, especially all the things he does that i don’t even ask him to do.   SO NICE!!!!   He is growing up to be such a good kid.  Everyone at work has kids that mouth off, etc….Josh doesn’t even swear or mouth off to us.  We are truly lucky or we are actually parents taht invest a lot of time in raising their children or a bit of both.  

3 thoughts on “

  1. Josh sounds like a great kid. My son doesn’t mouth off very often, but he has picked up some swearing! But he is LAZY. Won’t do anything unless I ask and then I have to ask 4-5 times. My daughter is VERY lippy and smarts off and tells US what to do. She even says “shut up” to us, which drives me crazy. And no matter how many times I ground her, she still does it. Yet, she will offer to cut the grass and help out around the house without asking. Ever wish you could cut your kids in half and put the two good halves together?

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