OOOps…missed a few days again. Well Wednesday night my darling Tommy decided we would be awake from 1:00am until about 4:00am ARGH!! I did what the pediatrician reccommended and slept on the floor beside his crib. I don’t think that worked well at all. He would look over the side of the crib and say “Mom…Mom…Mom…..HI” all night long. Then I tried to sneak out of the room and I look up and he is standing at the end of the crib watching me, he says “Mama..go?” ARGh…..Finally at 4:00 I just left the room and figured he will just need to scream and he didn’t scream. So needless to say I didn’t get much sleep at all.
Thursday morning I had to go to work as I had two meeting scheduled. I was at work around 10:00, so I did sleep in a bit. I made it through work with a few cans on Dt. Mt DEW! Actually quite a few cans! I had planned on going home early, but my 2:30 homevisit went long. On the way home I stopped at the grocery store and bought a roatiserre chicken for supper with sides. I came home fed the children and went to bed. I tried to sleep for about an hour, but the phone and door bell never stopped.
Josh as always has been a wonderful help. I called home to check in him on wednesday and he was washing dishes and doing laundry for me! The bonus was that i never even asked him too. He has been great about that. He is a good boy. He is good about helping me as needed. Last night I took Josh for his first time driving the car. We went to the church parking lot and he did ok. He takes his turns too wide yet, so nearly took a car out. *smirk. He needs more practice, but not bad for his first time. I am having hubby take him out tonight to drive. After I took him out to drive i got Tommy ready for bed. Josh did dishes for me while I went to bed as I figured I would be getting up with tommy. But Tommy slept through the night!! YEAH!!!!
Both Erik and Tommy went to daycare this morning. Erik’s mom will be picking him up for the weekend today. Erik wasn’t listening very well this morning, so I hope daycare goes ok. I don’t let him watch TV while we are getting reasy or he is like on another planet, as soon as I got in the shower I heard the TV go on. GRRRRR…..Man…I have to shower you know! Plus he lied to dad about brushing his teeth, etc. It will be nice to have a quiet weekend with just Josh and Tommy.
I called the lady at the mortgage company again. Her message says she returns calls within 48 hours. Hmmm…has more than 48 hours passed since i left a message on Monday. I think so…..I called to complain as I would like to get my closing scheduled and how can I if she doesn’t return my calls. Plus I couldn’t even leavea message today as her voice mail was FULL! Gee you sure get a lot of calls in the last 48 hours! So she should call me today by 4:30 or I will be asking to speak to a manager on Monday.
Time for me to get to work as i have a numberof reports to finish up today. It is another paperwork day…YEAH….I was out at homevisits most of yesterday.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
If Tommy is not sick, I would just let him cry himself to sleep. That might sound cruel, and it might take a few nights, but he will learn how to go to sleep by himself. If you are not firm about, he will just take advantage. Sorry if I am sounding preachy! I also think you have to do whatever works best for YOU.
I agree with Ann. First, just go in and say “Tommy it’s time for sleep” or “night night” or whatever you call it. Kiss him and say goodnight and then go back to bed. It may take awhile, but he’ll get the idea when it’s dark out, it’s not time to play with Mom!
Josh is a wonderfull teen! My teens won’t even do the things I ASK them to do and I leave lists for them when I go to work. They don’t always do them and then if I tell them to do something else they say “it wasn’t on the list.” It’s very frustrating. They would NEVER do anything that wasn’t asked of them. You are very lucky!
Good luck with the closing!!!!! Hope you get some satisfaction. Maybe call the manager if you don’t hear from her?