Hubby came home and was tired.   We pretty much stayed around the house.  Joshua came home from Florida around 4:00 and we had time to catch up with him.  We watched the last movie Hubby had rented on Friday, How to lose a Guy in !0 days.  It was pretty cute.   I made a fabulous supper on Saturday night.  I made meat loaf patties, mash potatoes and green beans.  I had seem this meal made on my favorite show on the food network, 30-minute meals.  It was really good!!! 


Church of course….it was our itern pastor’s last Sunday.  The call committee is now looking for a teaching pastor.  I so miss our previous pastor, Marlyn, no one could replace him.  He married us and baptized our baby, so at least we have that!  

After church it was a clean out the fridge lunch and quick nap for Tommy.   After his nap we went to the beach for a bit.  Tommy wasn’t so sure of the sand as he hates to get dirty, but that soon changed.   He was unsure of the water at first, but had a great time after a bit.  Josh, Hubby, Tommy and I all hada great time at the beach. 

Then it was another new recipe for supper.  I have to share this recipe with you when I am at home.  WOW!!  We made deep fried Chicken fingers!  They were wonderful!    I made extra to freeze so I hope they are good when reheated. 

The evening was spent doing the normal end of the weekend stuff, dishes, pick up, prepare for monday.  Write a To do List for everyone for Monday, etc.

Tommy went to bed around 9:00 after hubby and I took him for a walk.   It took a bit for him to fall alseep, but then again he woke up at 3:00am crying.  He always seems to wake at 3:00am.  I tried to rock him back to sleep numerous times.  I finally gave him some bendryl.  I hate giving him that.  I called the Dr today to see how frequently is ok to give Tommy the Benadryl.   He told me before to give it to him for three days to switch his sleeping pattern, but I have not been able to get him back to sleep through the night.  He seems to be having nightmares.  He finally fell asleep with us in our bed. 


I have homevisits all day so I am pretty busy, but at least I am out of the office.  Well I better do my to do list and make some lunch before i have to head out to homevisits. 

We got our check today from the government for the Tax Relief Bill.  So that will pay for our car insurance which is due in August.  In one hand, out the other, but at least I didn’t have to take money from our savings.   


  • Change Sheets

  • Dust & Vacuum

  • Sweep & Mop

  • Mirrors & Doors

  • Plant Plants!!!

  • Errands – Buy Benadryl and Utter Cream  

  • Put Laundry Away

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. – Albert Einstein

0 thoughts on “

  1. How’s the to do list going? I can’t wait until you share the recipe for the chicken fingers. Sounds delish! We should be getting our tax refund for the child credit thingy in about 2 weeks. Not sure what we are doing with it. I HOPE dh is going to move on this house we have been looking at, get it inspected etc. but I don’t know. You know how things come up and the money disapears before you know it…

  2. Tax relief check? Are they all mailed at the same time? We didn’t get one!!!!!!

    Hope things improve with Tommy’s sleeping patterns. We went through the same thing with my son…..who is now almost 15 and sleeps from 11pm to 10am every day of vacation now!

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