Not the best of day yesterday. I went in to work for a few hours and the car seemed to work ok. I have to go in this morning for a meeting as well. I am dragging, I have been so much more tired this week. You would think working from home would be more relaxing….NOT!!!
Yesterday I ended up grounding Erik. He broke the window in the front of the house. NOw had it been an accident like while playing ball, I would not have been so angry. The reason he broke the window was he was mad at his friend and so he threw an apple at the house, trying to hit the bricks, but instead put a huge hole in a window. To my it is never an ok excuse to do anything in anger. I asked him if heh as ever seen his father or I ever throw anything in anger??? No…then obviously it is not a good choice for handling disupts. He stayed in his room until supper, then he spent the rest of the evening doing chores to pay off the window at 50 cents a chore. He was not a happy boy. But then again I was not a happy mommy. Every time he compained, he got another chore. he soon figured out not to complain.
Well I best shower and head to work. Argh..what fun! NOT! I need a day off with no children at home!
Good plan to have him work off the cost of the window replacement. It will certainly help him understand consequences of actions. Kids!
Good plan to have him work off the cost of the window replacement. It will certainly help him understand consequences of actions. Kids!