The weekend is here…………….YEAH!

Friday when hubby got home we decided to go out for supper since the older two are still gone. We went to Red Lobster, with Tommy of course. We had a nice meal. Afterwards we went to Marshall Fields to buy hubby another shirt and tie for his second interview with US Bank. I hope he gets this job. Then off to Old Navy to buy Tommy some new socks.

Then we came home and played a bit and Tommy took a bath before bed. A pretty lazy evening overall. I worked on my website and read. I ended moving to the couch during the night as hubby was coughing so much. Hubby got up this morning with Tommy’s vomitting and tummy problems. ARGH!! He took some medicine and did head to work. Tommy heard Daddy and was up at 5:30. I think he will be taking a good nap today.

I put Tommy in bed with me and watched Elmo’s World for a bit. But he really wanted to jsut get up for the day. So we have been up since EARLY!! I hate that!

We will head to the library as soon as it opens and do a couple of small errands. Then I think Tommy will want an early nap and me too! Have a great DAY!

Saturday TO DO:

Go To Library
Fold Laundry and Put Away

Clean off the Top of Fridge
Make Block Party Note
Call Matt N.

Vacuum Josh & Erik’s Room
Sweep out the Laundry Room


2 thoughts on “

  1. Are you missing your son as much as I’m missing mine?  His 12 year old sister just had a 2 year old temper tantrum….screamed and cried for 30 minutes on our way home after she DEMANDED we buy her a hamburger but we didn’t have enough money. I so much appreciate my “normal” son!

  2. Are you missing your son as much as I’m missing mine?  His 12 year old sister just had a 2 year old temper tantrum….screamed and cried for 30 minutes on our way home after she DEMANDED we buy her a hamburger but we didn’t have enough money. I so much appreciate my “normal” son!

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