NAPTIME!! Just a quick note and I think I will be joining my baby for naptime. The darling boy woke up last night at around 2:00 or so I think, but hubby says it was more like 12:30 he started talking. At 3:00 I had to finally get up with him as he was like a snooze alarm, every few minutes he would whoop. Hubby had to be up for work at 4:00am so he wasn’t so happy. I got up at 3:00 and took Tommy into the living room. We got a drink and a snack and he was ready to go! ARGH!! So I convince him to sit on the couch with me and watch blue’s clues.

Finally when it was a bit after 4:00 I put him in his crib and I went to bed as hubby was getting up. ARGH!! Tommy slept then until about 9:00am. I got up at 9:00 and hurried to get ready as Tommy had an appointment for a haircut at 10:00am in Woodbury. We made it in time.

We stopped at Once Upon a Child and picked up some PJ;s and a Blues’CLues outift. Then we stopped at the grocery store to buy the ingredients to make a huge pot of chili and Mom’s Enchiladas. I have not made the enchiladas before. Since Joshua is gone we are having a lot of food this week that has chili pepper in it. He is allergic to chilli pepper, but hubby loves spicy food.

The house is a mess, but I need a nap to function the rest of the day. I know hubby will head to bed when he gets home from work. He hardly slept at all. AAAH….I better change around the laundry before I head to bed.

Later all!! Have a great day.
BTW, I preordered the Harry Potter book for Josh and it arrived in our mailbox this morning at 10:00 am…very nice…you goota love

Oh..yeah…and I called the Mission trip line last night and at 9:45 there were in Tennesse and right on schedule. The kids are awesome. the leaders are doing awesome and God is Good………. I called this morning but no new update…maybe tonight. They should be in Florida today enjoying MGM studios for the day!

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