OH MY!!! I had a Flylady moment today. My house is generally clean enough for anyone to stop by at anytime. So no problem with a repair man coming!!! OH NO…you want to look at the furnance???? YIKES!! Ok…I am a bit behind in the laundry. How embarassing, I have the laundry all sorted downstairs, with a big load of whites (underwear and socks) right in front of the furnance.

The repairman is great. He put a rush order on our repair since I am asthmatic and best yet no extra charge. The motor blew in the central air…OUCH is that ever spendy!

Time for me to scoot and get a few more things done around here. Later!

0 thoughts on “

  1. At least your house is clean and your laundry was sorted. They probably just thought it is laundry day. No biggie 🙂

  2. Lets not even TALK about what my laundry area looks like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You kidlets are precious, nice to meet someone else with a gap! My oldest is 14, my youngest 16 mos. But I have two between them, 10 and 8. 🙂

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