Whew…where did the weekend go??? We were busy as always. I will give ya a quick run down.
SATURDAY – Up and ready and out the door with Erik and Tommy to go to the bread store and library. Return home before Josh leaves for his dad’s place. Make a quick lunch and put Tommy down for a nap. I run to the store to buy the stuff to make scalloped Potatoes and Ham for supper.
I return home and Josh heads to his dad’s. Erik watches a movie while Tommy naps. At 1:00 wake up Tommy to go to the neighbors birthday party. After the party we play in the wading pool in the yard for a few hours. Then Daddy gets home!! Supper time!!
After Supper we run to Sam’s Club for diapers and to the grocery store for ingredients for a cake. I need a cake for the bake sale at church tomorrow for Josh’s mission trip.
Stayed up sort of late making a cake and finishing my book, Emperess of One by Faith Sullivan.
SUNDAY – FATHER”S DAY!!! Happy Father’s day to everyone! We got Daddy a new *good blender. He killed out old cheap blender making choc. malts. I got him a cuisnart. Should live through a few malts. Off to church….cake is done and looks yummy!!! Our cake was on picked for the auction. The top five were picked to auction. My cake made 35.00 for the mission trip! YEAH!!!
Home for lunch and naps. After Tommy’s nap we headed to the Children’s Museum and had a great time with the boys. They both enjoyed it very much and would play and play if the place didn’t close. We stop at McDonalds and headed home.
Tommy ran in the sprinkler for a bit. A new experience for him. He got a good blast in the face and wasn’t too happy! We got cleaned up and he headed to bed. I went to get groceries! I actually have my menus made for this week. YEAH!! I am starting to get on top of things again.
Groceries are all put away, dishes washed and supper all mixed and ready for hubby to put in the crock pot late tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow we start out home school summer program. Erik has been very motivated to read with the 20.00 carrot! He is almost through one book and ready to take the test.
I best head to bed. Chat with you all later! If my life ever slows down I might post regularly again, maybe after summer!
Just reading about your life makes me exhausted!!!!!