It is 10:30 and what have I accomplished today. Hmm…got Erik, Tommy and I all ready and out the door to a Dr. Appointment by 8:40. Re-check on Tommy’s ears and all is fine! Then dropped the two of them off at daycare. I then stopped at home picked up prescription form and headed to Walgreen’s to get Erik’s pill refilled. Then I stopped and got my hair cut, very short wait at great clips this morning.

Now I am home having my breakfast real fast. I have to pick Josh up at 11:00 from school for a Dentist appointment. Today is his last day of school! I probably should start a load of laundry before I leave to pick him up. I also have to make a phone call about my hospital bills still. I am also going to look into switching my balances on my credit cards to a new lower interest card I got. That should allow me to pay them off much quicker.

Well later….got to run.

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