The weekend is official here and slept in until 8:00am,…YEAH!! All three of the boys are still sleeping, oops…except Tommy I hear him throwing things out of his crib. Hubby has been up and gone to work since 4:00am. He will most likely be working late today. Possible overtime and that is a good thing!

So I have the boys alone all day today. Hmmmmm….wonder what we will do?? I need to get groceries at some point, though I might wait until Tommy goes to bed tonight to do that.

Last night Erik was at church from 7:00 to 10:00 at a Friday Fun night event. He said it was fun! I am glad. I wish other kids on our block would have their children involved in the church.

Joshua was hanging out with friends until about 10:00. He is growing up so …..

Tommy was in bed around 8:30 but woke up crying just before 10:00 so I took him with to pick up Erik. Hubby was trying to sleep since he had to get up so early. We are not used to being so quiet and didn’t do well either!

I continue to exercise and my asthma seems ot be sort of handling it. I actually lost some weight…how did that happen.

I best make my To DO list and take my shower as Tommy is wanting his day to begin!

Pay Bills
Laundry, Laundry, Laundry
Put Clean Laundry Away
Make Grocery List
Clip Coupons
Paint Downstairs Bathroom
Mail New Moms’ Committee Minutes

0 thoughts on “

  1. Its tough to keep them all quiet isnt it? Sounds like your in for a fairly even keeled day…. That is great about the weight loss! Im so upset with myself… I have totally gained 10 lbs back… I want to go back to WW but I Can’t. Myron is just working too much and I can’t ever get out by myself.

    Enjoy the weekend.

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