Hello – Been a very busy day!! Tommy woke up the first time at 4:00 am, but went back to sleep. At 6:30 he was up for the day and crying. ARGH!! Very unusual for him. Hubby was up with him and said I could go back to bed. (nice guy) I fall back to sleep only to hear the baby crying again. He was right outside of my bedroom door. I get up to check on him. Daddy had put in a Blue’s Clues video and went outside for a smoke. GRRRRRRR… I got up with the baby. I hate when hubby goes outside and leaves him in the living room.

We had planned on going to two garage sales this morning. So since I am up so early I had plenty of time to get ready. Daddy gave Tommy a drink of juice and Tommy started puking up all this mucus. ICKY!!! I think he might have done this in his crib this morning and that is why he is crying. He is gagging on his mucus. I get him changed and cleaned up and we head out to a garage sale. Tommy gags again and I am catching all the mucus in a napkin. Nice, Eh???

We stop at the garage sale, Tommy is excited as he got a little stuffed Dora and Bob The Builder. Also a larger Bob the Builder and Barney that talk. I also picked him up a dress shirt for church and a pair of Pj’s.

Then on the way to the second garage sale hubby wants to stop at a church sale. So we do, I pick up two books Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks and Charming Billy by Alice McDermit. The books were only 50 cents so I splurged. I have stop buying book much anymore as I try to use the library as much as possible. Except for I will buy the books for my discussion group, otherwise while they all sit around and read various passages and discussing I have to just sit there.

Finally we get to the last neighborhood sale, some sales were junky. One sale had a lot of good books, but I passed as they were priced between 1-5 dollars. At one sale I did find a nice updated light fixture for the downstairs bathroom – $10.00. I am redoing the bathroom. The last sale we stopped at we bought a new drill for $5.00, a pair of new Tommy Hillfiger windpants – 25 cents and a pair of nike ice skates – $5.00. Also they had a brand new in the box set of speakers, that later my hubby took Joshua back to buy for his stereo system in his room. He is a happy boy about that!

On the way home, Tommy started puking up mucus again…ARGH!! I am not sure what to do about this so I called the nurse line. They weren’t much help at all. I did give him some Coca Cola which seems to helped with the mucus and he keeps it down. He is now napping and I did give him some cough and cold medicine. I have the baby monitor on so if he coughs I can go in and sit him up so he doesn’t choke.

What a fun day, eh?? I have cleaned up after Tommy at least 10 times.

I best get running before puke monster wakes up. I have to straighten the living and dining room, do dishes before he is up. I could always do a few more loads of laundry. We are going through a lot of towels today! We keep a hand one with us at all times for Tommy.


Crazymomma – Ok…Noodleless Lasagna, sounds weird, eh?? I am trying to eat a few less carbs so all my lunches for work I try not to have few carbs in them, hence no noodles. I do eat carbs for breakfast and supper. Also Thanks for the congrats on the job for hubby. It certainly is a blessing!

Mrs_Ann_A – Thanks for the congrats on the job! How is that driving going??? I still haven’t let my son drive until I see his final grades. He did actually ask one teacher about doing extra credit.

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