Hello – Man…do I miss writing on here. Life has been so hectic though. WHEW!!! I am actually taking a lunch break today as I need to work late tonight, so I figure what a great time to catch up with everyone!
Let’s see…major events in the last few weeks.
I went to the Dentist….have two cavitiies.. Argh. (typing as I eat chewy Hot Tamale’ candy) I had to reschedule Josh’s appointment as he had Driver’s Education. He is taking his permit test tomorrow. If he passes, I am not sure we will be taking him driving or not. We made the agreement earlier that he couldn’t drive if he didn’t have passing grades. Last night he brought home a mid term grade report for Science and had a low grade. He wasn’t doing his work again. So if he pulls it up to a B by the end of the year, he can start driving, otherwise I think he will be waiting for a while.
We had a “golden birthday” party for Josh last weekend. It was alot of fun. Had a bonfire until late. He had his own bonfire with friends on Friday night. It was even a co-ed party….our first co-ed party!
We had our last Wednesday night class with Tommy at Church last night. I am glad to have the done for the year. We did sign up for next year as well. I am not as sure if I want to go next year or not.
Tonight is the last night of Musikgarten as well!! YEAH!!! Hubby actually needs to take Tommy to class. I have my book group tonight. I have even finished the book this time. I didn’t really like it much though. The book we are discussion is “Delta Wedding” by Eudora Welty.
A couple of kids at daycare have had Croup and Tommy seems to be feeling under the weather, but nothing major yet. He did sleeep in bed with me the other night for a while.
VACATION!!!!! I am taking some time off of work to complete a number of project around home! I have cleaning to do and stuff. I am taking off starting tomorrow and will return to work next Thrusday. My goal is to do some major decluttering of the house and get caught up on laundry!
Erik moves in with us for the summer on June 6th. I have to get things set up for daycare for him then too. Plenty to do!!!
Tommy has said a few sentences in the last few weeks:
“I Poopy”
“I got a ball”
“Cheese All Gone???”
He is still having all his bowel movements on the potty. I haven’t started to get him to do any more than that. Did I tell you all about his thumb??? ARGH!! He sucks his thumb so much that it cracked open and got infected. We had to bandage it and get it healed up. I had it bandaged for over two weeks hoping he would stop sucking it. No such luck! I might have to start bandaging it again as it is getting redder and redder. He also has eczema which is under control now.
Time to get back to work…I hope to post and get caught up with all of you over my vacation too!!!
Recently Read:
Shopaholic Take Manhattan – Kinsella
Confessions of a Shopaholic – Kinsella
Delta Wedding – Welty
Currently Reading:
BoneSetter’s Daughter – Amy Tan
Chocolate War – Robert Cormier
Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken. – Frank Herbert
Oh, it’s SO nice to see your name pop up on the SIR.
I love Tommy’s selection of phrases. LOL

I suspect the science grade might improve, driving can be a great motivator.