Hello everyone!! Can you believe it is May already??? ARGH!!! Time is sure flying. I am trying to get things ready for summer still. I have a lot to do.
My chest pains have improved with the medication changes. Everyone else is healthy except, Tommy has an outbreak of eczema. He has sucked his thumb so much, that is has cracked open and is starting to get infected. I took him to the Dr this morning who said to use antibiotics on his thumb and wrap and tape it up so he can’t suck on it. We are to use Hydrocortisone on the eczema and see how that goes. I have also given him a pacifier to replace the sucking of his thumb at nap and bedtime. He still prefers his thumb of course.
Our Families First Class didn’t go very well on Wednesday. We have a new fill in parent educator. I hope she does better this week. I think the entire class was ready to lynch her! ARGH!
Friday I was in Red Wing, MN for work. I thought of Frejaluna as I was there. I think she was there for the 85 mile garage sale. I had no time to go to any sales. I had a meeting at Lutheran Social Services, then I needed to head back to the cities.
Our weekend was pretty quiet. The usual Saturday sort of things. Library, Bread Thrift store and Sam’s Club. In the morning I took Tommy to the neighborhood park on my bike to play. He enjoyed that!! He was upset to head home again. We made our favorite frosting to dip on graham cracker sticks into. YUMMY!!!
Sunday we took it easy for most of the day, but did do some laundry. Hubby and I finished watching the first season of 24. A very addicting show! I didn’t get as much of my book read as I wanted, but should finish it tonight hopefully.
Joshua is excited for his upcoming 15th Birthday. He is waiting for his new bike to come in the mail. He is checking the mail every day! Tomorrow we need to go to the parent meeting for Driver’s Education.
Tommy is learning new stuff everyday. This weekend he learned to say and sign “help”. He says “up” to get on the couch. He understands so much we had to start spelling certain words such as “bath” and “Outside” so he doesn’t know what we are talking about. He loves to sing and do the actions for the clock song, Grandfather’s clock goes TICK, TOCK, Tick Tock…. I tried to give his hair a trim this weekend. It was a on the run sort of haircut. I tried to distract him by putting in a new DVD we had checked from the library. He didn’t fall for it. His thumb is now taped due to an infection from sucking his thumb, which he hates!! Any suggestions for breaking a child of sucking their thumb??
Erik is struggling so much in school. He is being uncooperative with teachers as well. School is going to be a long ordeal for him. They are in the process of writing an IEP for him, but we haven’t seen a draft yet. I ended up buying Erik new shoes last weekend. Tennis shoes for school as his were looking embarrassing and sandals for summer. I didn’t get a chance to get his haircut, but will have to do that this weekend if he hasn’t had a haircut yet while at his mother’s house. We went through his summer clothes and only needed to buy him clothes for church mostly. I did pick him up a pair of used tennis shoes, that will replace his current once they start looking terrible. Erik will be moving in with us for the summer starting on June 6th. I still have to get all the summer tutoring stuff together for him. Another summer of tutoring him one hour a day…….
HUBBY is busy with looking for a job and volunteering for church. He is making many of the flyers and newspaper ads for the church right now. He enjoys that work. Today he is running some errands for me…..YEAH!! that is so helpful!
- Sheets
- Dust & Vacuum Living Room
- Sweep & Mop – Kitchen and bathrooms
- Mirrors & Doors
One must never lose time in vainly regretting the past or in complaining against the changes which cause us discomfort, for change is the essence of life. – Anatole France
I am looking forward to hearing someone else’s driver’s training stories
I havent seen you a lil bit I bet your busy busy busy huh. I wanted to wish you a Happy Mothers Day. I love your blog and your boys are so cute!