Hey all……….My entry lately just aren’t exciting to me. I have much to say but this doesn’t seem to the forum for it right now for me. I am sure I will occassionally post, but I think I will be taking a break for a bit. I will still post what the kids are up to as it is my record of their life for me.
I am sure I will continue to visit all my regulars, but just might not post much. Xanga isn’t what it once was to me………that is unfortunate.
I am finding that suddenly my interest in blogging has died down some. Hope all is well.
It seems like a number of people on my SIR list are getting spring fever and leaving Xanga in search of real life. I hope you don’t disappear entirely because I enjoy reading what you have to say.
🙁 I am sorry you feel that way. I like to update at blogger myself. It’s so convenient 🙂