I was able to get a few things done yesterday.  I needed to take Josh to the bank and Target right when I got home.  I spoke to Josh’s bio father last night and he even returned my phone call.  I have not spoke to him in a number of years.  Having trouble with child support, he will call and get it straightened out.  I came home early yesterday to make a few phone calls, which I was able to do.

I bought all my greeting cards for the next three months.  Before bed I sat and addressed all the envelopes and signed the cards.  I love the Dollar store….50 cents a card!  NOw all I have to do is remember to mail them. 

I have a number of appointments today, so  I best get going and ge to work.  I am still waking up so very tired!  ARGH….must still be the time change.

I did a few things from my to do list yesterday,  I will have to finish it up tonight.  As I think I am home this evening. 


  • One load Laundry
  • Change Sheets – Ours & Tom’s
  • Vacuum Living Room and Hall
  • Hair Cut
  • Post Auctions on E-Bay
  • Make Menus
  • 0 thoughts on “

    1. You’ve inspired me.  I should go and purchase all the birthday cards that I need for the next several months too.  Then I could even address them early.  Wow, maybe I wouldn’t be so belated for a change.   Good luck with your list!

    2. They actually make card organizers where each page is a month, and it has a pocket so you can put cards in it. That way you can open it each month and have the cards ready to go if you want. They usually have lined placed to write at the top so you can write bdays and anniversaries etc so you know what is happening each month too. Maybe something like that would work for ya?

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