Morning…It is the weekend!!  YEAH!!   I love the weekend!   I have a lot I *should do this weekend, since I haven’t done much around home all week.  We will see if I actually even do it!   I want to take Tommy to McDonalds today.  It is his first time going there.  I thought it would be fun.  I might check out the new dollar store at the mall.  We will see.

Well I update my site all Spring like and what do I see as I look out my window.  SNOW!!!   ARGH!!  I am so done with snow, Please!!  Last night after driving home inch by inch in the traffic and the snow, I vegged all night!   Tommy and I watched “Most Talented Kids”.  He loves that show, he dances and just loves the little kids.   Then I watched back to back shows of “Mission:Organization” on HGTV.  It is a new show, I sort of like it, not quite what I thought it would be.  Then I watched “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit” with hubby.  That is more TV then I watch in an entire week!   Just one of those days where I really didn’t feel like doing anything.  OH well!! 

One more week and I will being going out of town to a conference.  YEAH!!  Can’t wait!!  Alone TIME, or hang out with friends.  I am rooming with 3 co-workers.  We are going to Duluth, should be fun! 


  • Laundry
  • Hair Cut
  • Visit my New Mom (Sunday)
  • Make Crock Pot of Italian Chicken (Saturday)
  • Library
  • Reorganize the Education Shelf in Dinning Room
  • Go through Easter Stuff
  • Post Auctions on E-Bay
  • Target – WD-40 and Glad Containers
  • Grocery Store – Noodles
  • Make Menus


Frejaluna – Hey Jodi!   The 85 mile garage sale sounds great!!  Actually my hubby loves to go to garage sales!   There is a all city one coming up in Woodbury, MN.  It is funny people come in buses full of people.  It is a big thing.  We usually try to go to that one.   I don’t live near Red Wing.  Wish I did.  I live in the north suburbs of St Paul.   I do go to Red Wing for work a couple times a year.   I am going there this month.  I was going to ask you, what were you going to mention as a possible diagnoses if I had leg cramps too???  Just curious!  Have a great weekend!

FLYmom – Welcome to my Blog!!  I just love your webpage.  I have been surfing through it.  We have a lot of similar interests.  You have read a lot more book than I this year so far!  WHOA!!!  I am still making it through your site, a lot of great links to visit!  Great Meeting you!  BTW – I can’t place the song on your site, who is it??  It is right on the tip of my tongue!  Love it!  I was really excited to see all the OAMC links you have!  I love OAMC!!  So pull me up a comfy chair I will try to finish visiting this weekend! 

I hear my baby beginning to wake up, I better jump into the shower and get my day start!  Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!!! 

4 thoughts on “

  1. The reason that I asked about leg cramps is because it is a lesser known symptom of diabetes, but I know that potassium deficiencies cause it (leg cramps) too.  Before my initial diagnosis twenty years ago, I had a lot of leg cramps.  Diabetes comes from a Greek word that means ‘to syphon’.  I theorize that my body was dehydrating itself and probably taking the potassium with it, thus causing the cramps.  I’m not 100% sure that is the exact correlation.  At any rate, I am glad that it doesn’t appear to be the case with you at all!

    I am looking so forward to this garage sale event.  It should be great fun.  Plus, we’ll be rooming in Pepin, WI so I can go to Laura Ingall Wilder’s ‘little house in the big woods’, or at least the reproduction.  I’d also like to attend the LIW tourist spots in MN.  Were you a fan of her books?  I loved to pretend that I was Laura or Mary.

  2. I just can’t do crockpot chicken anymore….I don’t know why! Sounds like a good day.  Sorry about the snow.  YUCK.

  3. Ginny Owens, “I Am Nothing” 🙂 Sound familiar? That is the song playing. I am an avid reader. I just read a book in the past two days called “She’s Come Undone” by Wally Lamb. It was actually pretty good. I have had it for years and finally got around to reading it.

    What conference are you going to?

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