I am so glad I decided to use this week to get caught up on paperwork at my work.   Today was very productive for me.  I took care of my entire pile of today stuff, except for one renewal for SSI I need to complete for a client.  But it isn’t due until the 14th of this month.  That is good for me, usually I am calling social security asking for an extension.  LOL!!! 

After I complete the renewal for SSI, I will be conquering my service plans to write.  I really don’t have many to get caught up with.  It is my hope that by Monday I will be all caught up and this actually seems feasible at this moment!   What a great feeling.  

I actually had to play a little game with myself to get my stuff done today.  I started at the top of the pile and wouldn’t let myself get pulled to another task until I finished the top one.   It keep me from putting less desirable paperwork to the bottom of the pile…I had to do them!  I think I will do the same thing for service plans tomorrow.  Start at the top of the pile and keep going.  My desk is nice, clean and organized, but that will only last a week tops!!  As I get overworked or stressed at work, my desk goes to hell. 

I did hear from the Dr today.   They were suppose to call me back with my lab results, but I didn’t hear from her.  I will have to try and call tomorrow.  I am not having many chest pains tonight at all and my pulse seems to be lower.  The only difference is that I have eaten about 5 to 6 servings of potassium rich foods today, throughout the day.   I think that might be the trick. 

I am off to update my checkbook and curl up in bed with my book.  Have a great night!!!!!

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