Saw the Dr today…actually he was the Dr that discharged me from the hospital.  He of course siad “this is very interesting”.  Which I am finding means, I have no idea what is wrong.  ARGH!!  He drew blood to check my potassium, Magnesium, sodium and blood sugar.  He will call me tomorrow to let me know now we should proceed. 

I asked him to check my past potassium levels as I was curiious as to what they have been.   At time of discharge from the hopsital it was 4.3.  One week after discharge, 3.4.   Just this last week my level was 3.3.  I don’t know about what you think, but I see a downward trend.   We will see what it is tomorrow. 

Got to go baby is crying…

0 thoughts on “

  1. I have a question.  I hope that you don’t mind.  Have you been having any leg cramps, particularly at night?  I have this knack for diagnosing but don’t want to be intrusive.  At any rate, I hope that all your results are good.

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