Hello….Yes, I am still around. Argh…this darn work keeps getting in the way! I am the social worker on-call this week so at the office a lot.
Wednesday I actually was home. We forgot that due to Spring Break, Families First was not in session. So I played with Tommy until bedtime and curled up with a book for the evening. I have no idea what time I went to sleep, but it was early.
Today was an early day at work again. Tommy stopped by my work for half an hour to say hi to everyone. This evening I went to my first face to face book group. It was very fun, and was a really fun group of ladies. There was 8 of us there, 5 of the women I know from work. We discussed “the Age of Innocence” by Edith Wharton. It was a very lively discussion. I think I will really enjoy this group. New month we will be reading a lighter book, The Sweet Potato Queens big-ass cookbook (and financial planner).
May – Delta Wedding – Eudora Welty
June – Empress of One – Faith Sullivan
July – Dress Lodger – Sheri Holman
August – The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio: How my mother raised 10 kids on 25 words or less. – Terry Ryan
Hubby has the kids all in bed when I got home from book group. So I think I will embrace the quiet and crawl in bed with my book, Middlesex and see if I can finally finish this book!
Have a great Evening…….
goodness you sure do have a busy schedule.. well take care of you.. Bright Blessings Chel