One of those days again…………………..

Work was busy and I had to leave early for a Dr appointment.  I was following up with my allergist since my hospitalization.  My regular physician had been following me, but she said she wasn’t sure what else to do so I should go to my allergist. 

He wasn’t happy about the hospitalization at all.  Talking to him I am told that I was much sicker than I really thought I was.  I think the whole thing was more serious than I realized.  We are still unsure of the reason for this episode, since I supposedly only have mild asthma, which he doesn’t think is the case anymore.  JOY!  Anyway…he added another new steroid and told me that I would need to take the entire long list of meds that I got at the hospital for at least one year.  So double doses of steroids for a year.  That will help with my weight lose, NOT!  Which he pointed out to me and said to “buy a bag of lettuce”, since the steroids increase your appetite so much.   But I just hope I can sleep at night after I add this new steroid. 

Let’s see what else he said…(my mom always wants all the details). I told him that I really wasn’t feel back to how I did prior to the hospitalization, and he said he wasn’t surprised as I was very sick and it would probably take a few more months or longer.  MONTHS???  GEEZ……  The new medication that he added contains allbuterol, which caused my heart problems, so I have to have my potassium levels checked on Friday to make sure I am ok taking this med.  I think that was about it…but some lectures about the seriousness of my condition and the need to go to the ER immediately if problems, etc. 

The depressing part is that I just figured out how much my meds will cost a month and with co-pays and the one I have to buy over the counter, I will spend about 81.00 a month for the next year for this regiment he has put me on.  ARGH!! Please God…hubby needs a job!  Also depressing is knowing I won’t be back to myself and be able to do the things I could before, like walk a flight of stairs, for at least 3 more months….that is hard.  I’m SUPER JEN and I have a hard time with only being able to do about 1/2 of the things I need to.  Ok….yes, I am whining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok…I have another whiny story too, but is getting too late and need to head to bed.  I will save that one for tomorrow.  Needless to say we had Erik’s conferences tonight and his teacher doesn’t seem to have a clue.  She acts like Erik does things on purpose, not listen etc. ……excuse me….he has ADHD and Developmental Delays………  Argh…more on comments she made that I didn’t care for……….GRRRRRRR

Later…have a great night…….I am off to work early again tomorrow…will it ever let up???????

3 thoughts on “

  1. My prayers are with you that these new meds help make you better sooner. I am sorry the meds cost so much. My MIL is facing huge bills and we are helping pay them. I understand!

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