Good Afternoon…..court was a long wait, but quickly done. I spent the afternoon figuring out budget cuts. There is a reason I became a social worker; I’m not the best mathematician. One last meeting and I’m am going home to clean up a bit. I need to be at work early again tomorrow. It is starting to look like a rough week again. How does that keep happening to me??? ARGH!! Say NO, Jen!
I went for a walk this weekend, not even a very long one and my legs are still sore!! Man, one week in bed and I have lost everything…plus I haven’t been able to exercise in over a month due to my asthma. This weekend was the first walk I have taken. Feels like I am starting from scratch, muscle aches and I gained back most of the weight that I had lost. It wasn’t much, but I am going in the wrong direction..that is frustrating! Seems like time to re-evaluate my goals again…….Off to a meeting…LATER!
Hugs! I hope your legs aren’t sore tomorrow!
My little one is 11 months! He’s TINY, only about 16lbs or so and he’s wearing 6-9mos clothing. But, he does have a little boy face, my 3 yo did, too. They just never had classic baby faces.
Ah, finally! Someone who can relate to the health issues that I have. I feel like I am at square one too. I want to get out there and walk or work on the yard, but I have to take baby steps. Five minutes here, five minutes there. I sure hope that BOTH of us are closer to our physical potential very soon.

It is amazing how quickly we lose our muscles once we stop exercising. Hope your health continues to improve!
i just started a walking regime this past week. it’s going fairly well so far.
how often do you try to walk?