Hello Everyone!! Sorry I haven’t been posting daily. I have just been busy. I use the bit of time I have to check what you are all up to, then I am out of time. ARGH!! So here is a quick update of what is going on in our household, nothing too major!
I took the day off. YEAH!! I wasn’t able to sleep in my body wakes me up around 6:30 no matter what generally. Oh well! Hubby and I dropped Tommy off at daycare and went to run all our errands. We went to Target for some sale items. He checked out a food store called Buy and Save, but I didn’t think it was very cheap at all. Everything was off brand, but I do better with sales and coupons at Cub Foods. We went to a used child clothing store and bought two summer outfits for Tommy and three pairs of shorts for Erik. I also found a nice Tommy Hilifiger spring jacket for Tommy, but it won’t fit him for a while. But it was only 5 dollars. We also bought a high back booster car seat there for Tommy. He still fits in our current car seat, but this will be his next one. It was a good deal. Then it was off to have lunch before we bought groceries. We ate at Lucky China our favorite restaurant, then it was off to Cub Foods. We stocked up on frozen juice, chicken and frozen veggies as they were on sale.
We got home and needed to do a quick freezer inventory before add all the new stuff. Then I took a nap….AHHHH>….that was nice! That was pretty much our day.
Another leisurely day. As we do on most Saturdays we headed to the library and stopped at the post office. I had a bunch of reserves in at the library and brought about 1/2 home with me. Tommy checked out a DVD, Elmocise. That should be fun! He loves Elmo. I checked out my educational things on preschool themes, etc. Hubby of course checked out some computer books.
Right now I am making my way through the book, Middlesex. I am really enjoying Middlesex, but it is a very long book, but luckily I am over 1/2 done with it. At the library I had three of my reserves in, so they are next on my list. I hate when all my reserves come in at once. I have Child of My Heart by Alice McDermott, The Hours by Michael Cunningham and The Middlsex Friend by Donna little all waiting for me! Tartt!!! Never enough minutes in the day. I have been terribly neglecting my house all weekend to get Middlesex read. But it has been very relaxing.
My face to face book group is reading Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, but I am having a hard time getting into that. I am listening to it on tape as I drive. I have to finish it by Thursday as that is when the group meets.
I took Tommy outside to play a lot this weekend. We saw him straining while outside and we rushed him into the house and he went ARGH on the potty for the second time!! They seems to be easy to catch since he is so constipated.
Erik and Josh are at their other parents homes, so it is quiet. poopy…….
Saturday night Paul and I watched the movie the Rings….it was pretty good…sort of scary. Then it was off to bed early, we both have been so tired lately.
As you see I haven’t made a list most of the week. I have been so busy!!! I hope to get back on track this week. We will see. Sunday we headed to church. Erik has started to come to our church when he spends the weekend with his mom. That was very nice of her to bring him up to our church. I hope she continues to do that, the church means a great deal to us and we would like to see Erik raised in the church full-time not part time. My ex-husband always brings Josh to our church on his visitation weekends. I think it is very important for my children.
After church headed home and Tommy wanted to play outside again. He screamed and screamed when I had to bring him in first Nice change out of his church clothes. He played outside for a bit then lunch and off to nap time. He is currently still napping. I can’t decide what I will do while he naps, read my book or actually so the things I need to like laundry and find his summer clothes. to…………..tough call!
Hubby is using up some older chicken and making a huge pot of soup this afternoon. We probably will head over to his parents today as it is his mother’s birthday today. Time for me to scoot and do a couple of things around here before I read the afternoon away. LATER!! Hope you are all having a great weekend!
In the book of life, the answers aren’t in the back. – Charlie Brown (Charles Hmmmm)
*My MIL went to high school with Charles Schulz, a bit of trivia for you!
That quote is great.
Cool Schulz connection