Morning….I have been putzing around on the computer this morning.  I dton’ have to be into work until 10:00 so I am letting my baby sleep a bit.  We all seem to need some extra sleep.  Hubby is still sleeping as well. 

I didn’t do my weekly cleaning yesterday, and I don’t really know when I will actually get to it.  I worked late last night and I really didn’t have the energy to do anything when I got home.  When I got home it was time to get Tommy ready for bed and stuff.  After that I jsut read my email and went to bed.  I think tonight will be very similiar.   I actually have a later meeting tonight.  I have a meeting at 6:00, so won’t be home until around 8 or 8:30, which doesn’t leave much time to get anything done. 

Tommy said a new word at daycare yesterday, Blue!  He was watching blues clues with the other kids.  He also is signing cracker, though he has made his own sign for the most part, but we know what he means.  He says, Shoe and Sock as well.   My baby is growing up so fast!  But he sure is a lot of fun!   I just updated Tommy’s Word list for our next peds appointment, so I will share it with you.  I think I have all the words he is saying!  He is a regular chatterbox these days! I have to work on introducing more sign language, but I need to teach hubby a few more signs too.  Tommy goes in streaks as to when he is willing to learn new signs and he is willing to learn some right now.  He just learned cracker over the weekend.

WORDS TOMMY SAYS! – Age  17 Months

      1. MOM
      2. DAAAA
      3. UT-OH
      4. Ball
      5. HI
      6. Bye
      7. Eat
      8. NO
      9. Yeah
      10. Yah
      11. One
      12. Two
      13. Three
      14. EIEI (Old Macdonald) 2/2003
      15. Tank You (Thank You) 2/2003
      16. You Love You (Barney Song) – 3/2003
      17. Shoe – 3/2003
      18. Sock – 3/2003
      19. Blue (Blue’s Clues) – 3/17/03


  1. Eat
  2. Milk
  3. Book
  4. More
  5. Sleep
  6. Cracker – 3/15/03




  1. Bath
  2. Eat
  3. Drink
  4. Milk
  5. Book
  6. More
  7. Sleep
  8. Cracker

Can Identify The Following:

  1. Nose

  2. Eyes

  3. Toes

  4. Belly

  5. Belly Button

  6. Mouth

2/2003 – Waves Bye-Bye

3/2003 – Throws Kisses

3/16/03 – Tommy went poopy on the potty!


I am off to get ready for work….have a great day!

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