We just got the flyer for the Children’s Summer Program at our church. We are very happy with the offerings this year and signed up Erik for a number of activities.
They are having a Day Camp for a week this summer with paid counselors. They have all the regular camp stuff, crafts, archery, fishing and swimming. He is excited about that.
There are two Friday Fun Nights which are from 7-10:00, which he is excited about. That is later than he usualy gets to play outside..LOL!! One is Pizza, Capture the Flag and a campfire. The other one is a cookout/swim party. Erik loves anything with water!
They are also offering Summer Sunday school. I am very happy about this. Erik is able to go to service with us, but he really doesn’t get much out of it. So this will be nice for him. Plus his bio mom has decided to start taking Erik to our church on the weekends he is with her. I think it is great for him to have one church only, just like only one school.
Vacation Bible School is offered in the evening which is nice for working parents. I might help out at that…we will see.
Wild Wednesday Outings – these Erik went to last year and enjoyed. They have about 6 activities throughout the summer. So once a week he will be able to go on outings to movies, bowling, 2 different water parks, etc. He always likes that.
So that should be a nice variety to break up the summer for him. He is pretty disappointed that he will have to go to daycare this summer. He will be going to daycare with Tommy three days a week and then will be home with Josh for two or at church activities. I am not sure how he will do at the daycare. I felt it was unfair to ask Josh to watch him more than twice a week, he should be able to have a summer with his friends too.
I am off to read for a bit, Tommy is napping and the boys are outside playing basketball. What a nice spring day it is today in Minnesota! Josh being goofy is even wearing shorts. I told him he had to get a haircut tonight, he hasn’t refused. I think him and his friend were trying to grow their hair long. Charlie’s mom made him get a haircut, so now Josh isn’t resisting so much to get his cut. lOL!!! Later!