4:00 a.m. and wide awake! LOL!! Well my day seems to be starting early today. My plans are to go to Sam’s and the library today and not much else. I think my sister might be coming to visit tomorrow, but my parents are not coming with them. I sort of figured that would be the case.
Well my oldest baby is sure growing up. He really wants to take Driver’s Ed in April. ARGH!! It is so expensive, I can’t believe it. It costs 350.00 to take the class, which you have to take to take your permit test. OH MY!!! Two of his friends are taking the class. Normally this probably wouldn’t be a big deal, but my hubby is unemployed and we have been trying to make it on one income for a while. So I decided to sign Josh up and let him use the money in his savings account. Also when our neighbors return from Florida, thwy pay Josh $100.00 for snow blowing their drive way all winter and keeping an eye on their house. So he will put that money towards the cost as well as some spending money he has here at home.
The next step is I will have to see how much it will cost to have him added to our car insurance. I am scared to find that out, but would have to add him. I am so scared to have him driving. My baby is growing up! Things are jsut so expensive to raise a teen ager and I want him to have the opportunities. it has been a very expensive couple of months with the Mission trip and driver’s ed! OH MY!!
I sure hope my hubby finds a job soon! Since I am a government worker the state is looking at doing a 2 year salary freeze to help balance the budget, so not like I will be getting my usual raises. But at least I will have a job and income coming in, some state agencies are laying people off.
Well on that cheery little note, I am off to pay bills. It was payday yesterday, so time to get rid of that money! Later!!!
Ok..what is up with this. Tommy just woke up again crying, this is the second night in the row. He wakes up between 4-5am and is crying. I take him in bed with me and snuggle for a bit and when he starts getting wild I take him to his room. I sing and dance with him for one song and put him in his crib and he is fine. I wonder if he is having a bad dream or what. He goes back to sleep fine, but of course I never can fall back asleep.
- EBAY Pictures
- Tommy’s Learning Poster
- Sam’s Club
- Library
- Bank – Monthly Charge on Account?