AAAAh….the weekend!!  Today is a busy day.  We are suppose to take Tommy for his first haircut, but it is snowing again.  We have had 4 inches already and it is suppose to snow for two more hours.   I am not sure we will driving to Woodbury for the haircut. 

I do *Have to be at church though.  Luckily church our church is not even a block from our home.  I think I have everything ready for the New Parents Dinner.  I have the name tags made, table decorations, door prizes and a door prize drawing box.  Our children’s minister was called out of town unexpectantly so I need to MC the dinner.  ARGH…I hope that goes ok.  I don’t really like to speak into a microphone much.  But, I can do this, it is a small group so it should be too bad. 

I bought groceries last night after work.  I had refused to buy groceries until I had my menu made and coupons clipped.   Last month with me in the hospital we had spent so much money on groceries!!  This month I am really trying to spend less, alot less!!!  I did very well last night.  I bought groceries for the next week, which included the stuff to make the appetizer for church tonight.  I spent a total of only $55.00.   I did stock up a bit on frozen vegetables.   The store had a 10% off everything that would fit in the bag sale on frozen items.  So I bought all the frozen vegetable that I had coupons for so I could also get the 10% discount.   But I only bought things I had coupons for, unless it was something I needed. 

Bad news…..thanks for all your thoguhts on my hubby getting the job at where I work.  He received a email yesterday that he wasn’t in the top 20 to be intereviewed.  I was really disappointed.  I knowthe job market is very difficult right now, but we can’t go on forever like this either.  So needless to say my frugal ways will continue!!   I actually have always been frugal or cheap…LOL!!  I find it fun!!!!  It is like a game to me!  How little do I need to spend the month.  Now hubby has made the game even more fun for me, he downloaded Quicken for me.  Now I can itemize my checks and see how much I spend per catagory.  I truly believe in being in control of your money and expenses, which generally I am.  Not the case in my first marriage, but my 1st hubby didn’t let me near the finances.  He had control and didn’t do well either.   I actually think I live on less income now than we did then, and we are much better off!   1st hubby didn’t have good sense about a number of things.  I say being frugal is all in the attiude, I have fun with it. 

So my money saving tip of the day:  Make a menu you SAVE a ton on your gorceries when you do.  Only buy what you will be needing in the next two weeks at the store.  And make plans to eat things that are in your freezer.  I bet I could live for 2 months on what is in my freezer.  LOL!!  I going to try anyways…another fun game for me!   

Planning sure saves money!!  Now if I can just keep it up!

The last of the human freedom: to choose one’s attidue in any given set of circunstances, to choose one’s own way. – Viktor Frankl

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