AAAAh……..the day is done for me and I am ready to curl up under my heating blanket with my book. BRRRRRR….it is cold in Minnesota!!
Today was a good day, everything seemed to go ok. We took Tommy for his First haircut. He looked so cute sitting there in the child size barber chair. At Kids Hair they have little TV’s at every stations with Clifford Playing. So that was a hit. He sat very nice for his haircut until right at the end. The stylist accidentally cut his ear! OUCH!! Poor little man started crying and crying…he had been so good about the haircut until then. She felt terrible and gave us the cut on the house. I am afraid that Tommy will be afraid of haircuts now. I sure hope not! He looks so much older with his curls cut off. But he is still a Cutie!! But I am a bit biased!
He must be going through a growth spurt soon as he is eating a lot and taking two naps a day again. During his first nap of the day I was able to get everything ready for the church Dinner and tidy up the kitchen.
In the afternoon Erik came over with his Mom to pick up some snow pants and boots as he forgot his at school. He also borrow some snow boards as they were going to Wild Mountain tomorrow. I tend to have extra things here for Erik for when he is with us.
Then it was off to Church! We got everything set up at church for the Dinner. The dinner went fine, but we had only 5 couples come. It was a nice gathering and we ended early. I hope things will increase with the committee, this was our first event so we will see what the plans are for future events.
Tommy was very happy to have me home. He walks around saying “mom” now all the time. He will just say “mom” and want me to say what??? He is a goof.
Josh will be coming home from his Dad’s early tomorrow since he has to be at church early to sell cinnamon rolls for his mission trip and needs to stay at church through all the services. He has two fundraiser he needs to participate in.
Well that is my day in a nutshell…..have a great night!! Chat at ya tomorrow….hmm…what do I need to do tomorrow????
- E-Bay Pics
- Work on Tommy’s Learning Poster
- Write Check for Daycare
- Plastics Cupboard
- Clean of Top Of Fridge
Tomorrow I plan on taking Tommy outside and pulling him around the yard on the sled. That should be fun if he will stay on it!!
awww, first hair cuts
ty is only 7 months and brad wants him to get one. his hair is over his ears a good half inch or more.