Pretty productive day today.  This morning I went around and got donations for our New Parents Dinner on Saturday at church.  But tonight I called another member of the committee and it seems like very few people have RSVP for the dinner.  I left a message with the Youth Ministry Pastor to see if we will still be doing the dinner as I need to print the nametags yet!    I am sure I will hear from her tomorrow.  I am really enjoying being a part of a committee at church.  I hope it becomes a bit more active, but so far it has been interesting.   I feel like I need a few outside interests from work and home to stay sane!    I have also been meaning to attend a book discussion group that some friends from work have.   I am determined to make it to the meeting this month!!  Between the book group and the committe at church, that would be two evenings a month that would be “me time”.  I think that would be ideal. 

I did get a number of things done at work, but my list is still LONG!!  It will be while unti lI catch up.  I was able to work about 5-1/2 hours today since I had church things to do this morning.  Tomorrow should be a full 8 hour day for me.  We are having a potluck at work tomorrow I made Chineese Cabbage Salad to take with. 

Chinese Cabbage Salad

1 bunch Nappa (chinese) cabbage 
1 Bunch Green Onions
1/2 C Margarine
1/2 C Sesame Seeds
1/2 C Slivered almonds
2 pk Ramon noodles, oriental
1/2 C Sugar
1/2 C Oil
1/4 C White Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Soy sauce
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder

Chop the nappa cabbage and green onions.  Saute the sesame seeds, slivered almonds and 2 pkgs of Ramon noodles in 1/2 cup of butter.  DO NOT USE THE FLAVOR PACKETS.  Stir constantly.  Let the mixture cool before storing in the refrigerartor.  Add to the cabbage when ready to serve.  Mix the remaining ingredients for the dressing.  Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.  Shake well and pour over salad. 

It a very yummy salad, a friend of mine used to make it where I used to work!   He was famous for it!   Bob’s Salad!

I even got all my Dr appointments made todat.  I need to see my regular Dr this Thursday as I still have chest pains.  I will have a follow up with my asthma/allergy Dr on 3/25.   I also have to receive asthma education from a respirator nurse in April as part of my aftercare.  My mom should be happy to see that I have made my appointments   I really need to make sure I go to the clinic tomorrow and pick up my prescription.  Maybe hubby will do it for me.  I have the hardest time getting out of my office early. 

Tomorrow we are going up to Erik’s Mom and Stepfathers to fill out the paperwork the school sent home for his evaluation by the Special Education Department.  Yes, he is being evaluated by them for the 3rd time.  I swear this time I *will be leaving with an IEP or I will be going to the state.  I can’t sit by and watch this child continue to fail like he is. 

Let’s see what else can I blab about…hmmmm…..I suppose that should be it and I should head to bed.  I am not tired though…GRRRRR…..


  • Finish Weekly Menu
  • Take out all Trash
  • Dust
  • Vacuum – living Room
  • Laundry Away
  • E-bay Pictures
  • Complete Erik’s Paperwork with his Mom & Stepdad


  • Pick Up Refill at Health Partners 

    Let us go singing as far as we go; the road will be less tedious.  -Virgil
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