My sleep continues to be weird. I go to bed later than usual and am awake earlier than usual. Oh, well I am sure it is the medication, the predisone to be exact. The non sleeping effect should continue to get better as I taper off the medication.
I forgot to mention the sticker shock I got in the mail yesterday! I got my explanation of benefits from my insurance company for my hospial stay. OH MY!! The hospital billed my insurance over $14,000 for my 4 day stay! That is outrageous, yes, i was in intensive care for two days, but my God! The part I was most concerned about of course was the member responsiblity and I will need to pay about $500.00 for the stay out of pocket. That wasn’t exactly figured into our budget. I am so glad we have health insurance. I could not imagine what our life would be like if we didn’t have it.
Finally, I am well enough that we can go to church this SUnday! YEAH!!! I have sure missed attending services the last two weeks. I think we can actually even go to Old Country Buffet after church today. The kids will be excited as it has been a while since we could afford to go after church.
The rest of my day will be spent finishing up my list from yesterday and preparing for my work week. I should do some laundry as well. Have a nice and relaxing Sunday with your families!
Vaccuum Under Living Room Furniture
- Clean Car & Van Boogie
- E-bay pictures taken
- Make Menus
Homework with Erik – finish it all!
- Change Bedding
Let our children grow tall, and some taller than others if they have it in them to do so. – Margaret Thatcher