Morning…..not a great sleeping night again. I thought I had this figured out, but I guess not. I thought it was the bedtime neb that was keeping me awake for hours, so last night I nebbed at 8:00 early enough for the effects to wear off I thought, plus I took the cough syrup with codiene. So I should sleep…..I did fall asleep fine at about 11:00, but I was wide awake at 4:00am. I got up and ate a bit and had a glass of milk. I layed back down and tried to sleep. At 5:00 I decided to turn on the lights and work on my New Mom’s Committe stuff for church. I turn the lights off again and try to sleep, I finally gave up at 6:00am and got up for the day. ARGH!!!
So my plan for today is to go into work early actually I guess. I wasn’t goig to go in until my 9:00 am meeting, but I guess I will go to the office, then my two meetings and return home after that. I am only planning on working a part day again today, maybe 6 hours or so. So hopefully I will be able to take an afternoon nap. I am sure this is a side effect of one of the many meds I am currently taking, but I have no idea which one. Wouldn’t matter anyways as I can’t not take any of them until I start to improve. So there you have my whiny little …I can’t sleep problem!! Can’t sleep, can’t stop coughing, can’t breathe….I am so demanding and whiny *smirk!
Let’s see…what else…since I have some time here before needing to shower for work. Hmmmm….yesterday at work went pretty good. I have taken my extra nebulizer to the office and was able to work longer by nebbing once. I hope it won’t disturb my co-workers, but I really should only have to ever neb once a day at work. I checked in with my boss today. She is such a wonderful, supportive person. Everyone at my work is very accomodating to my being ill, which is such a relief. But generally I am a very hard worker, so they know I will pull my wieght again once I am better.
After I got home from work we went to Joshua’s choir concert at school. I only stayed to watch his songs as I cough so much and didn’t want to disturb everyone else. I was pretty tired anyways. My SIL was watching Tommy for us at home, so the rest of the evening I just spent playing with Tommy, my neice and nephew and visiting with SIL.
Tommy is feeling better now, finally. He is doing so many new cute things that i haven’t been able to share with you all. He is just learning so many new things. He has about 5 songs that he sings a line of or so. It is really cute. He does ITsy Bitsy Spider, ABC (says random letters), Barney Song, EIEI (Old MacDonald). It is so funny. He is finding out that climbing is great fun. He fell off the recliner onto his head a couple of days ago. He isn’t signing much anymore, though yesterday he used the sign for Book for the first time. He is really focusing on talking now. He says a ton of stuff, though I can’t figure out half of it. He has a 4 piece wooden knob puzzle and he has fingured out how to put it together now. He love puzzles and stuff like that. And of course he has a VERY STRONG love for books. We spend most of our evenings reading stories over and over and over again. He will bring you a book about every 5 minutes. We have a row of them on a table in the lving room and he will go over to it and grab one book, look at the cover and decide if that is the one he wants or not. If not, he whips it onto the floor and looks for the one he wants! He is a lot of fun right now. We are all enjoying him so much. He is just getting this fantastic little personality, very easy goin and loving like his Daddy. I ordered him a Bible Rhyme book so maybe he will like that and it will be something new for us to read. He also LVOES ELMO’s WORLD. We check the videos out at the library and will watch one of the litle 15 minute segements every other day or so. He is always so excited to watch them. This weekend I am goign to try to tape the segments of Elmo’s World off of the TV as he doesn’t need to watch the entire show, it really is just Elmo’s World that he is into. We found hime two Elmo World flap books at 1/2 books, so those are a new favorite! He loves big flap books!!
Well, Josh just woke up to head to school, so I think it is time for me to get ready for work and head out. I should make it to the office before 8:00 at this rate. LOL!! Just means I can come home earlier, probably a good plan.
- Dollar Tree – New Mom Stuff & Albums for Julie
- Sale Items from Cub
- Pop From Target
No Families First this week, so relax at home in the evening.
Ugh, I just hate it when I can’t sleep. I hope that you can get a full night’s rest this evening. Tommy sounds like such a sweetie pie. I love reading about his newest accomplishments. Have a great day!
((Hugs)) I hope that you are able to get some sleep soon.
Sounds like Tommy is such a sweetie. 🙂
Have a great day and hopefully a better night’s rest, tonight too!!
So glad you are enjoying your little boy’s progress. It really is wonderful!