Morning –

I am getting a bit stir crazy in the house these days.   I have not ventured out of the house in over a week.   I am feeling better and better each day, but have ways to go to being myself.   I am sleeping very little.  It might be due to some of the meds (steroids) I am on.  I read last night until about 1:00am and then I woke and slept until about 7:00am.  At 7:00 I got up to neb and use the restroom.   I read a bit while nebing.   I spent the last hour getting all caught up on my SIR list.   That is a first!   I still have a terrible cough and am almost out of the Robitussin with Codeine the hospital gave me. 

Today I will take it easy for the last day at home.   I will be heading back to work tomorrow for at least 1/2 a day.  I hope to get a few small tasks done around the house. 


  • Clean Out Fridge (things growing in there from when I was in hospital)
  • Make Menu
  • Organize Coupons
  • Make Dr. Appointment for Tues
  • Refill Meds
  • Put away Mail from the Week
  • Photos in Book
  • Update Calendars & Planner (plan Week)
  • Complete Errand List
  • Mail Birthday Card
  • Check Library Website

    I finished my book, The Lovely Bones last night.  I am not sure what book I will start next.   I suppose I should go take all my meds, shower and dress.  It is still early and Tommy is still asleep, what a good time to get a few things done. 

    Have a great day, I am sure I will be dropping in throughout the day as I am getting so bored!!!   

  • 2 thoughts on “

    1. Hello Jen!  I’m LouAnne.  Thanks for subbing my blog!  I just finished catching up on your blog.. you have been through so much.  I’m thankful to read you’re on the mend.

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