I have made it to a few more sites to get caught up. I feel like I am starting to get my life back a bit. I am now going to head to bed and read for a bit before I take my nap. I still need a couple of naps a day yet.
Hubby has done a couple of loads of laundry for me. Our dining room table it piled high with clean clothes. I will have to try to put some away later.
I decided I will spend a total of 1 hour today doing things up and about. I spent 15 miuntes cleaning up the bathroom a bit after my shower. That is enough for this morning. I hope my hubby will sweep the kitchen floor for me as that would be too difficut for me.
My 15 Minutes Chores:
Straighten Bathroom
Put Clean Clothes Away
Clean Out Fridge (things growing in there from when I was in hospital)Put Dirty Clothes down Laundry Shute
Don’t worry I won’t over do it. I mostly just sit on my butt and cough all day! LOL!! Making lists just make me feel like I am in control a bit. And my life feels way too out of control right now. {Gee am I a bit of a control freak??}
Love and respect are the most important aspects of parenting, and of all relationships. – Jodie Foster
I’m finding list making helpful. Hope you continue to feel better.
I hope you continue to improve by leaps and bounds!