I am totally annoyed!!  Ok…is it just me or does every man need someone to tell him everything.   Have you heard of a pen and paper.  Isn’t it enough I have to remember a million things a day at work and for the children.  Do I also have to remind my employment hunting hubby of every single thing he is suppose to do.  Did you call so and so??  Did you sign up for graduation??  Did you, Did you……..GEEZ….as if I’m not stressed enough!

4 thoughts on “

  1. {{{}}}  Perhaps if you made a list, and put it on the fridge.  I think some men like to be able to check off lists.  I realize you should not have to make the list….but it’s just an idea…

  2. I know EXACTLY what you mean!! My husband doesn’t understand the importance of getting together his clothes the night before and spends part of every morning moaning about his missing tie, shoes, underwear, pants, etc.  I’m sick of it. 

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