AAAAH….Sunday, the last day of the weekend. This weekend has gone far too fast, like all the other ones. Yesterday I did manage to take a nap after making all those egg rolls. Tommy ate a whole Egg Roll, he likes them!! We also watched one movie yesterday. We watched “About a Boy” based on a book by Nick Hornsby I think it is. I have not read the book. Otherwise I played with Tommy and just hung out.
Today I am suppose to go to the movie with my SIL”s Bonnie and Julie. We are going to see “10 ways to get rid of a guy”. I don’t really want to go. It is still so cold out. I like to just go to church and stay in the house!! BRRRRRRRRRRR….but I am sure I will go.
Let’s see what else is new..hmmmm…I finished listening to the book “Suzanne’s Diary to Nicholas”. I was a good book, sort of Bridges of Madison County…etc…it makes ya cry a bit. It was a short, easy read. I am now reading Street Lawyer by John Grisham.
I should go update my books read in 2003 page and get ready for church. Have a great and relaxing Sunday!
I enjoyed Street Lawyer. How did you like About a Boy? We watched it Friday – it was one of Kimbo’s recovery picks. I thought it was okay, but I was glad I hadn’t paid theatre price to see it.