YEAH, YEAH, YEAh….I checked my bank account and the first deposit of my rapid refund is in my account. I will have to wait and see if the second one shows up tomorrow otherwise I will have to go to H&R Block and see what is up. This was the larger deposit of almost 5,000.00 so it is nice to have it!! YEAH!!
Today I hope to get to work early and do paperwork most of the morning. I have an appointment at 2:30 and then will be going out with Deb. So it should be a nice day, hopefully. I will remember to take my purse with too!!!
Have a great Day, and remember to do something nice for yourself today!
- MY FREE DAY – going out with Deb for Supper
- 15- minutes zone- Plastics Cupboard
- Wash Dishes
- One Load Laundry
- Evening Routine
- Spanish Vocab with Josh
- Exercise
Yay for money!
That is a good sum!!
WOW! Have a good day.
Enjoy your night out!!
Woohoo on the deposit!!
WTG on your refund!! We are filing today. I already have a good idea of what we are getting back and as long as it is no less than that, I will be happy.
Enjoy your FREE day!!!
Have a great day! $$ is always a good thing
**pinching hubby**…we are going today….also…ttyl