Hello – We have had a major dump of snow in Minnesota.  There must be about 10 minches out there.  It snow all day yesterday.  I woke up early, but I was hoping to go into work a bit late to ensure the roads are plowed.  Since I was up early I could revamp my site for February, so we have  sort of Valentine’s Day look going on.   It is always fun to get a new look. 

Yesterday we mostly stayed indoors.  Erik was out sledding most of the day.  I did bundle Tommy up and took him out to explore the snow.  He thought it was fun.  He would walk on the road and catch flakes on his face.  Joshua was Mr. Cleaning guy, he reorganized Tommy’s playroom and took Tommy down to play with him.  Josh and Tommy spent most of the day together playing.  They are so cute together. 

Joshua was up super early this morning watching the TV to see if school would be cancelled, no such luck.  We live in the city and it has only been cancelled once in the 5 years we have lived here.  It is not like there are farm kids to get. 

As for me, I did some laundry and made brownies yesterday.  I also went through the bins of 18 months to 2T clothes down stairs and found some to fit Tom.  He is starting to outgrow what is in his drawers. 

I guess it is time to get ready for work.  Hope everyone had a great weekend!

0 thoughts on “

  1. Love the new look – very romantic!! Stay warm and dry in all that snow. We had a high today in the low 60’s and tomorrow night the lows will be in the single digits. Bizzaro weather for sure!

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