Morning……I am up early again. What is up with that!! OH well….I guess I will have plenty of time to get ready for church. We did our taxes yesterday and have a large refund coming in a few days. I look forward to that. That will help us make it through the next few months as my hubby continues to look for employment. This whole unemployed thing has been the most difficult thing I think we have had to work through. I even find it more emotionally taxing then fighting infertility to have Tommy. And that was pretty stressful to some extent. I look forward to less stress in our lives.
Yesterday we went to Sam’s Club and got some laundry Detergent and a few other things we needed. I made a beef roast in the pressure cooker. I am still learning to use that thing. LOL!! The meat come out fantastic! The best roast I ever had. But I always totally scorch the bottom of the pan since you can’t stir it. I think I need to just add more liquid or something. I will continue to figure this out! But it was very good. The pan is still soaking
The boys were all bathed last night for church, so that is done. After that we watched a movie and had Doritos with cheese on them. Josh hung out downstairs with his buddy Charlie and watch Hockey. Tommy was good and went to bed around 8:30. He is getting better about getting to bed earlier.
Tommy’s new word of the day is “Yeah”. If you ask him a question he will answer “Yeah”. He seems to relate to your voice going up at the end to know if it is a question. So we ask him “are you a girl” he says “yeah”. The boys have a bit too much fun with Tommy’s new trick.
I am off to get ready for church. I plan on trying to get my list from yesterday completed the rest of the way, then relax!!! I only had time to read one chapter yesterday. I need to get my book finished. I might even look for a new valentine’s sort of look for the blog….hmmmm…the possibilities….Have a great Day!!
have a wonderful day at church!